Edward Burtynsky's classic photo of a Chinese factory I lived in China for 2 years. This sign was in my neighborhood. Peng told me it's not new: It's a 1000 year old saying! But only 40% of Chinese population is really in these cities. Here's the China I got to know and love. This man is 75 and works every day. For perspective, this is HOME in rural Vermont USA "Hey, Camera Guy!" this guy called. "Take photo, my Old Mother." The next morning, his mother came up to the house, wearing her best coat. A traditional water taxi guy in the Shekou harbor Shekou Harbor, with Mary Alice's Library Design on the top floor of the waterside building A clear day and we can see the huge Shekou container port. Old wooden boats still in use in foreground. From our apartment we saw workers building the next high-rise. This will be a tower. 6AM and workers are out of their portable dormitories and eating rice. Tying Rebar for weeks Walking into town I pass this school and these schoolboys run over to say Alo! A Chinese kindergarten Shenzhen is the biggest builder of electronics devices in the world. I cover the CHINA HIGH TECH SHOW for a local newspaper. LOTS of blinking lights... A family at the Robot Restaurant